-  Elan 210

2023, order new main and jib
I have used the original North Sails main and jib from 2011, main in Dacron and jib in laminate. The jib is in terrible condition and main is really loosing its shape.
So I just orders UK Sails Xdrive Carbon main and jib. I hope this going to add performance and feeling to the boat. I also replacing the Harken small boat furler that never worked good with a Selden Furled 50S.

2022, added Code 0 and small stay sail

For 2022 season I bought small flat UK Sail Code Zero on a Seldén CX 10 furler.
This has added some performance in light upwinds. I very light wind I just have bear of a few degrees for a beat to get goo speed compare to using the jib.
It also works as a smaller reaching sail to use when the winds is a bit to much to sail my G3 gennaker solo.

The other sail is a bit of experiment, a small jib 4 with integrated AT cable, to be mounted on Seldén CX 10 furler inside the forestay in heavy weather. It will be interesting to se dig this setup works as I have not used it much yet.
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ⓒ 2024 / Adventure Media Production Nils Norin
Contact me if you own a Elan 210 and want to share experiences, tips and information about your boat

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